Cat. No. |
Product Name |
Information |
PC-21012 |
PRMT7/9 inhibitor
EML734 is a selective small molecule inhibitor of protein arginine methyltransferase isoforms, PRMT7 and PRMT9 with IC50 of 0.32 and 0.89 uM, respectively. |
PC-20645 |
G9a/GLP/EZH2 inhibitor
HKMTI-1-005 is a potent, substrate-competitive dual inhibitor of EZH2 and the closely related G9a/GLP H3K9 methyltransferases with IC50 of 0.1 uM (EHMT2). |
PC-20135 |
METTL3 inhibitor
UZH1a is a potent, selective and cell‐permeable inhibitor of METTL3 with IC50 of 0.28 uM, 100-fold more potent than enantiomer UZH1b. |
PC-20124 |
EZH2-EED inhibitor
DC-PRC2in-01 is a small molecule PRC2 inhibitor targeting EZH2-EED interaction with affinity Kd of 4.56 uM, decreases global H3K27me3 levels in cancer cells. |
PC-20002 |
PRMT3 inhibitor
UNC2327 (UNC-2327) is a potent, allosteric inhibitor of protein arginine methyltransferase 3 (PRMT3) with IC50 of 230 nM. |
PC-49859 |
Menin-MLL1 inhibitor
DS-1594a (Emilumenib) is a highly potent Menin-MLL1 inhibitor with IC50 of 1.4 nM in cell-free AlphaLISA assays, displays selective growth inhibition against AML and ALL cells with MLL1-r or NPM1c. |
PC-49814 |
SMYD3 inhibitor 49
SMYD3 inhibitor
SMYD3 inhibitor 49 is a potent and selective SMYD3 inhibitor with IC50 of 6.3 and 44 nM in biochemical and cellular MEKK2me assays, respectively. |
PC-49813 |
SMYD3 inhibitor
EM127 is a potent, site-specific covalent, second-generation inhibitor of SMYD3 methyltransferase. |
PC-49729 |
G9a inhibitor
BRD9539 is a small molecule inhibitor of histone hethyltransferase of G9a (euchromatin histone methyltransferase 2, EHMT2) with IC50 of 6.3 uM. |
PC-49728 |
G9a/GLP inhibitor
UNC0642 (UNC 0642) is a potent and selective G9a and GLP histone lysine methyltransferase inhibitor with IC50 of <2.5 nM. |
PC-49724 |
PRMT7 inhibitor
JS1310 (JS-1310) is a specific small-molecule PRMT7 inhibitor with IC50 of 5 uM (human PRMT7), displays no acitivity against type I PRMTs (PRMT1, 3, 4, 6, and 8, IC50 >100 uM) or the type II PRMT5 (IC50=50 uM). |
PC-49699 |
EZH2 inhibitor
SKLB-03220 (SKLB03220) is a potent, selective EZH2 covalent inhibitor with IC50 of 1.72 nM (EZH2 WT). |