About ProbeChem
ProbeChem offers a wide range of high quality research chemicals and biochemicals including novel life-science reagents, reference compounds, APIs and natural products for laboratory and scientific use. ProbeChem has knowledgeable and friendly customer service and technical support teams with years of experience in the life science industry. ProbeChem will be a competent and trustworthy partner for your research and scientific projects.
Quality Control
Product quality is the key to our success and we take pride in offering only the highest-grade products. Product identity, quality, purity and activity are assured by our robust quality control and assurance polices, programs and procedures. We perform thorough analytical testing - including HNMR, LC-MS and HPLC - stability testing and activity assays on our products and the results from these tests are available to clients.
Experience and Advantage
Our chemists are highly experienced in molecular synthesis and the preparation of large quantities of structurally diverse and synthetically challenging molecules. We work with clients that have widely different needs and we have been very successful in meeting such needs.
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