Cat. No. |
Product Name |
Information |
PC-73318 |
USP1 inhibitor
KSQ-4279 (RO7623066) is a potent, selective, first-in-class inhibitor of USP1, shows anti-proliferative effects in a subset of cell lines, including mutations in BRCA1/2. |
PC-73197 |
USP1 inhibitor
SJB2-043 is a small molecule, specific USP1 inhibitor, inhibits USP1/UAF1 complex with IC50 of 0.544 uM. |
PC-73132 |
UCHL1 inhibitor
6RK73 is a potent, specific and covalent UCHL1 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.23 uM. |
PC-72836 |
OTUB1 recruiter DUBTAC
NJH-2-075 is an alkyne-functionalized probe of EN523, retains binding to OTUB1 in vitro. |
PC-72835 |
OTUB1 ligand
EN523 (EN-523) is a small molecule covalent ligand that targets a non-catalytic allosteric cysteine C23 in the K48-ubiquitin-specific deubiquitinase OTUB1, OTUB1 recruiter component of DUBTAC NJH-2-057. |
PC-72699 |
UCHL1 inhibitor
MT16-001 is a selective, covalent inhibitor of deubiquitinating enzyme UCHL1 with IC50 of 580 nM, no inhibitory effect against UCHL3 (IC50>30 uM). |
PC-72535 |
USP8 inhibitor
HBX-90659 (compound 22 e) is a potent, selective USP8 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.28 uM, with no effect on USP7 (IC50 of >100 uM). |
PC-72534 |
USP8 inhibitor RA-9
USP8 inhibitor
USP8 inhibitor RA-9 is a small molecule USP8 inhibitor. |
PC-72414 |
USP5 inhibitor 64
USP5 inhibitor
USP5 inhibitor 64 is a selective chemical probe (inhibitor) against USP5 deubiquitinase, binds to the USP5 ZnF-UBD (zinc-finger ubiquitin binding domain) with KD of 2.8 uM. |
PC-72297 |
BAP1 inhibitor
iBAP (BAP1 inhibitor I) is a first-in-class inhibitor of the catalytic activity of BAP1 histone H2A deubiquitinase complex with IC50 of 0.5-1 uM in vitro, |
PC-72296 |
BAP1 inhibitor
iBAP-II (BAP1 inhibitor II) is a next-generation, specific small molecule inhibitor of BAP1 histone H2A deubiquitinase activity with IC50 of <0.1 ug/mL. |
PC-72255 |
USP30 inhibitor Q14 peptide
USP30 inhibitor
USP30 inhibitor Q14 peptide is a potent peptide inhibitor of USP30 with IC50 of 57.2 nM, inhibits the deubiquitinating activities of USP30, increases mitophagy. |