Chemical Structure : NuP-3
货号: PC-20899Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.
NuP-3 is a potent, selective MAPK13 and MAPK14 inhibitor with IC50 of 7 and 14 nM, respectively.
Tech Support:
NuP-3 is a potent, selective MAPK13 and MAPK14 inhibitor with IC50 of 7 and 14 nM, respectively.
NuP-3 treatment markedly inhibited MUC5AC and CLCA1 induction in hTECs cultured under air-liquid interface conditions with IL-13 stimulation, but not the MAPK14 inhibitor NuP-43 (BIRB-796, Cat. PC-42520).
NuP-3 demonstrated similarly effective blockade of IL-13-stimulated MUC5AC and CLCA1 mRNA expression, without evidence of cell toxicity.
NuP-3 treatment effectively attenuates respiratory inflammation and mucus production in new minipig models of airway disease after type-2 cytokine challenge or respiratory viral infection.
NuP-3 also down-regulates biomarkers linked to basal-epithelial stem cell activation as an upstream site for target engagement.
分子量 | 470.93 | |
分子式 | C24H24ClFN4O3 | |
外观性状 | Solid | |
储存条件 |
Solubility |
10 mM in DMSO |
1. Shamus P Keeler, et al. bioRxiv. 2023 May 27;2023.05.26.542451.
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