Chemical Structure : CYH33 methanesulfonate
货号: PC-35740Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.
CYH33 (Risovalisib) methanesulfonate is a novel potent, PI3Kα-selective inhibitor with IC50 of 5.9 nM/598 nM/ 78.7 nM/225 nM aginst class I PI3K isoform α/β/δ/γ, respectively.
Tech Support:
CYH33 (Risovalisib) methanesulfonate is a novel potent, PI3Kα-selective inhibitor with IC50 of 5.9 nM/598 nM/ 78.7 nM/225 nM aginst class I PI3K isoform α/β/δ/γ, respectively.
CYH33 (Risovalisib) also displays little to no activity against more than 300 kinases.
CYH33 (Risovalisib) inhibits PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling in glioblastoma U87MG and rhabdomyosarcoma Rh30 cells, shows potent anti-proliferative activity in against cell proliferation in a panel cancer cell lines originated from breast, lung, ovary and colon, prostate etc.
CYH33 (Risovalisib) shows significant efficacy to inhibit the growth of SKOV-3 xenograft.
分子量 | 694.702 | |
分子式 | C25H33F3N8O8S2 | |
外观性状 | Solid | |
储存条件 |
Solubility |
10 mM in DMSO |
1. Haoyue Xiang, et al. Abstract LB-268, AACR, 2018.
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