
首页-抗体和重组蛋白-Biosimilar Antibody-Urabrelimab

Chemical Structure : Urabrelimab

CAS No.: 2249722-58-3

Urabrelimab (Anti-human CD47 mAb, human IgG4 (S228P)-Kappa; SRF-231)

货号: PC-Ab1061Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.

SRF-231 is fully human mAb for CD47, binds with high affinity to CD47, stimulates phagocytosis and the killing of cancer cells in vitro and has potent anti-tumor activity preclinically, both as monotherapy and in combination settings.disrupts the CD47/SIRPα interaction without causing hemagglutination or RBC phagocytosis. SRF231 exerts antitumor activity in vitro through both phagocytosis and cell death in a manner dependent on the activating Fc-gamma receptor (FcγR), CD32a. In tumor-bearing mic

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1 mg ¥3580 In stock
5 mg ¥7580 In stock
10 mg ¥12800 In stock
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纯度 & COA & 质检文件 纯度: >98% (HPLC) Select Batch:


Urabrelimab (SRF-231) is fully human mAb for CD47, binds with high affinity to CD47, stimulates phagocytosis and the killing of cancer cells in vitro and has potent anti-tumor activity preclinically, both as monotherapy and in combination settings.
Urabrelimab (SRF-231) disrupts the CD47/SIRPα interaction without causing hemagglutination or RBC phagocytosis.
Urabrelimab (SRF-231) exerts antitumor activity in vitro through both phagocytosis and cell death in a manner dependent on the activating Fc-gamma receptor (FcγR), CD32a.
In tumor-bearing mice, SRF231 increases tumor macrophage infiltration and induction of the macrophage cytokines, mouse chemoattractant protein 1 and macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha.
SRF231 is an investigational fully human IgG4 anti-CD47 antibody that is currently under evaluation in a phase 1 clinical trial.


分子式 Human IgG4 (S228P)-Kappa
外观性状 Solid
-20 °C 12 个月; 4°C 6 个月
-80 °C 6 个月; -20°C 6 个月

PBS, pH 7.0 Contains no stabilizers or preservatives

Chemical Name/SMILES

SRF-231; SRF231; anti Leukocyte surface antigen CD47; Cluster of differentiation 47; CD47 Antigen (Rh-Related Antigen, Integrin-Associated Signal Transducer); 2249722-58-3


1. 1, Marisa O Peluso, et al. J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Apr;8(1):e000413.

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