
首页-小分子抑制剂&激动剂-Tyrosine Kinase-Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK)-TPX-0131

Chemical Structure : TPX-0131

CAS No.: 2648641-36-3

TPX-0131 (Zotizalkib, TPX0131)

货号: PC-72509Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.

TPX-0131 (Zotizalkib, TPX0131) is a potent, CNS-penetrant, next-generation inhibitor of wild-type ALK (IC50=1.4 nM) and 26 ALK resistance mutations (all IC50=<1-7 nM).

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5 mg ¥2580 In stock
10 mg ¥3980 In stock
25 mg ¥5880 In stock
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纯度 & COA & 质检文件 纯度: >98% (HPLC) Select Batch:


TPX-0131 (Zotizalkib, TPX0131) is a potent, CNS-penetrant, next-generation inhibitor of wild-type ALK (IC50=1.4 nM) and 26 ALK resistance mutations (all IC50=<1-7 nM).
TPX-0131 is highly potent against a broad spectrum of ALK drug-resistant mutations. TPX-0131 inhibited C1156Y, E1210K/S1206C, L1198F/C1156Y, L1196M/L1198F, E1210K, L1196M, T1151M, deleted G1202, S1206R, G1202R/L1198F, F1174L, F1245C, R1275Q, and G1202R ALK mutations with IC50 values of <1 nM.
TPX-0131 had IC50 values of 1 to 2 nM for the following ALK mutations: L1198F, L1152R, F1174S, T1151-L1152 insT, V1180L, G1269A, F1174C.
TPX-0131 was less active against ALK mutations including I1171N, L1152P, D1203N, D1203N/E1210K, and G1269S, with IC50 values of 2-7 nM.
TPX-0131 was determined to be a selective ALK inhibitor by evaluating its potency toward a panel of 373 kinases.
TPX-0131 potently inhibits WT EML4-ALK and EML4-ALK harboring a range of point mutations with significantly greater potency against many key resistance mutations, such as solvent front, gatekeeper, and hinge region mutations, relative to previous generations of ALK inhibitors.
TPX-0131 exhibited more than 90% phosphorylation inhibition of EML4-ALK G1202R/L1196M fusion at a mean free plasma concentration of 19.5 nM, demonstrated tumor growth in the EML4-ALK G1202R/L1196M xenograft model.


分子量 447.418
分子式 C21H20F3N5O3
外观性状 Solid
-20°C 12 个月; 4°C 6 个月
-80°C 6 个月; -20°C 6 个月

10 mM in DMSO

Chemical Name/SMILES



1. Brion W Murray, et al. Mol Cancer Ther. 2021 Sep;20(9):1499-1507.

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