Chemical Structure : TGP-377
货号: PC-72389Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.
TGP-377 (TGP377, Targapre-miR-377) is a small molecule that specifically and potently enhances VEGFA expression by the targeting pre-miR-377 that regulates its expression.
Tech Support:
TGP-377 (TGP377, Targapre-miR-377) is a small molecule that specifically and potently enhances VEGFA expression by the targeting pre-miR-377 that regulates its expression.
TGP-377 binds to miR-377's Dicer processing site with Kd of 190 nM, potently and specifically upregulate VEGFA in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
TGP-377 potently and selectively inhibits pre-miR-377 biogenesis, stimulating VEGFA, increases pre-miR-377 levels by 1.6-fold when HUVECs were treated with 500 nM of TGP-377.
TGP-377 exerts selective effects on the proteome and indeed broadly affects signalling through the VEGFA pathway.
TGP-377 (500 nM) increased tubule branching density by 50% in HUVECs.
分子量 | 1428.723 | |
分子式 | C75H93N23O7 | |
外观性状 | Solid | |
储存条件 |
Solubility |
10 mM in DMSO |
1. Hafeez S Haniff, et al. Nat Chem. 2020 Oct;12(10):952-961.
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