Chemical Structure : Cathepsin B inhibitor RC1
货号: PC-35082Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.
Cathepsin B inhibitor RC1 is a small-molecule that blocks the process of anthrax lethal toxin (LT) cytotoxicity, inhibits enzymatic activity of host cathepsin B that mediates the escape of toxins into the cytoplasm from late endosomes.
Tech Support:
Cathepsin B inhibitor RC1 is a small-molecule that blocks the process of anthrax lethal toxin (LT) cytotoxicity, inhibits enzymatic activity of host cathepsin B that mediates the escape of toxins into the cytoplasm from late endosomes.
Cathepsin B inhibitor RC1 protects host cells independently of LT concentration and also blocks intoxication by other bacterial exotoxins.
Cathepsin B inhibitor RC1 reduces the pathogenicity of Human cytomegalovirus and HSV-1 (EC50=12 uM), which relies on cathepsin B protease activity.
分子量 | 325.537 | |
分子式 | C20H39NO2 | |
外观性状 | Solid | |
储存条件 |
Solubility |
10 mM in DMSO |
1. Hartmann S, et al. ACS Infect Dis. 2018 May 18. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.8b00053.
2. Gillespie EJ, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Dec 10;110(50):E4904-12.
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